Robuso webshop
ROBUSO/SOLINGEN/GERMANY is the brand for high quality shears. Specification of "SOLINGEN-Law" and DIN-specifications are toped by quality of Robuso products. ROBUSO-shears are products for heavy demands.
ROBUSO-shears are made of special steel for shears which are forged with high precision.
The excellent industrial scissors made by Robuso consist of a steel called C 60 which includes a high carbon fibre level.
These shears offer a toughness of 57-59 HRC, so you can be sure of a high edge-holding property.
The brilliant polishers - who work for the German company Robuso - harden the commodity-steel and forge the blades from inside and outside on a wet grinder. In the course of this special manufacturing process the inner surface is provided with a very precise hollow grinding.
Afterwards the well-versed polishers forge and dry the blades fine-grinding in a process of outstanding handmade art.
Order YOUR perfect Robuso shears directly in our Schlemming webshop.